By entering the competition via the Website, Entrants are required to have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions and agreed to be bound by them by ticking the relevant box on the Entry page;

  1. Definitions

    1. DRAW DATE: The date on which the winner of each competition will be selected in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. The Draw Date for each competition will be shown on the “Entry” page of the competition.
    2. ENTRANT: Any person (not including a limited company, partnership or limited liability partnership) who enters the competition through the Website to win the Prize.
    3. WINNER: The Entrant chosen at random on the Draw Date who will receive the Prize in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
    4. WEBSITE:
    5. PROMOTERS: TrackdayComps (A trading name of BMBC Competitions Limited. Company number 15035290). Trackday Comps are the sole promoters, the prize draws are not sponsored, run, or endorsed by another other party including Apple, Google, Twitter or Facebook.
    6. CLOSING DATE: The closing date for each competition will be stated on the ‘Entry’ page for each competition. if the maximum number of entries is reached before the closing date then the competition will be closed. If maximum entries are not taken by the stated closing date the Promoter will close the competition regardless and draw for the stated prize.
    7. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ENTRIES: The maximum number of entries available for each competition, as stated on the ‘Entry’ page of each competition.
    8. NUMBER ALLOCATION: The Entrant will be provided with their allocated number(s) at the point of sale. This will be displayed on the order confirmation screen and order confirmation email. They may also be viewed at any time using our number checking tool or Android mobile application.
    9. PRIZE: the prize awarded to the Winner as set out on the “Entry” page of each competition.
  2. The Competition

    1. These Terms and Conditions apply to all competitions listed on the Promotor’s website.
    2. Competitions are skills based and (other than in respect of the free postal route) require a fee per entry.
    3. For a chance to win the Entrant will be required to correctly answer a question or solve a problem set by the Promoter.
  3. Entries

    1. To enter a competition online you must:
      1. View the competition on the Website
      2. Submit your answer to the competition question(s)
      3. Select the required number of entry(ies)
      4. Complete and submit the online payment
    2. To enter a competition by free postal entry you must send your entry on a postcard or sealed envelope to the Promoter at 2 John Jobson Road, Shavington, Crewe. CW2 5JD. Your entry must include the following information:
      1. full name;
      2. full address;
      3. date of birth;
      4. contact telephone number;
      5. contact email address (used to register website account);
      6. competition title or details confirming the competition you wish to enter;
      7. the answer to the competition question.
    3. Free postal entries are limited to one entry per person per competition and incomplete or illegible entries will be disqualified. You must be registered as a customer on our Website before sending your postal entry and postal entries will be checked against registered customers. If we are unable to match a registered account with your postal entry, your postal entry will be disqualified. You can register for an account here.
    4. Each entry will be confirmed with a unique reference number by the Promoter which will be emailed to the email address provided.
    5. Each competition will run from and include the specified opening and closing dates. These dates shall be referred to as the ‘opening date’ and ‘closing date’. All times and dates referred to are the times and dates in London, England.
    6. The Draw Date will be announced on the Website and on official social media accounts as well as the “Entry” page for the competition on or before the opening date. Once published the Draw Date will not change regardless of whether or not the maximum number of entries is reached.
    7. All competition entries must be received by the Promoter by no later than the specified time on the closing date. The closing date for all postal entries shall be two working days before the closing date for Website entries. Any entries received after the specified time will not be included in the draw and it is your responsibility to ensure that entries are received by us before the closing date, taking into account any delays with postal services.
    8. All entries are final, and no refunds shall be made at any time or for any reason.
    9. All entries must be submitted in the English language. Entries received in other languages will be automatically disqualified with no refund.
    10. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for entries that are not successfully completed, lost or delayed for any reason, including the result of technical malfunctions and system errors.
    11. Incomplete entries or automatic computer generated entries will not be accepted by the Promoter.
    12. You will receive a unique reference number even if you answer the competition questions incorrectly but you will not be notified if you have answered incorrectly. Incorrect answers will not be included on the published entry lists and if your number is randomly selected by mistake you will not be awarded the prize. A new number will be randomly generated to match a correctly answered entry.
  4. Prizes

    1. Details of the Prize are to the best of the Promoter’s knowledge, information, and belief, correct as at the competition opening date.
    2. The Prize is not negotiable or transferable nor is there any cash alternative.
    3. Prizes are selected by the Company Directors and (in the case of prizes which are not Track Days or experiences) may be owned by the Promoter from the date of acquisition until the winner receives the prize.
    4. The Promoter makes no representations and gives no warranties about the Prize, its value, its condition, or any other information provided on the Website and Entrants should pay particular attention to clause 7.
    5. The Promoter has taken reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of information on the Website (which is published to the best of its honest belief), but beyond this makes no representations and gives no warranties that the information provided on the Website is accurate, complete or up to date.
    6. Trackday Comps take no responsibility for the Prize once it is delivered to the Winner.
  5. Winners

    1. A random number generator programmed to randomly generate only numbers from those unique reference numbers attributed to entries who correctly answer the competition question(s) will be used to choose a winner. The draw will take place on or before the first Monday after the closing date. Some draws will be live streamed.
    2. The decision of the Promoter is final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into.
    3. Winners will be contacted personally, by the Promoter, as soon as reasonably possible after the draw and (subject to clause 5.4) in any event within 15 days of the Draw.
    4. If the Winner can not be contacted within 15 days of the Draw, or has not come forward to claim their Prize, the Promoter reserves the right to offer the Prize to the next eligible Entrant.
    5. The Promoter must publish information that indicates a valid award took place. The Promoter will publish the full name and town/county of the prize winner on the Website. If you object to this information being made available, please contact Trackday Comps [] at least 48 hours prior to the Competition Closing Date. The Promoter must still provide this information to the Advertising Standards Authority if requested to do so.
    6. Winners must claim the Prize personally, it cannot be accepted by a third party on your behalf.
    7. Winners are responsible for ensuring their contact details are correct. If your details change at any time you should notify the Promoter as soon as reasonably possible. Notifications must include your old and new details, and the competition name you have entered. If your details change within 10 days of the Closing Date, the Promoter may use your old details to try and contact you. The Promoter shall have no liability if it is unable to contact a Winner due to them providing incorrect contact details, or them changing their contact details and not notifying the Promoter.
    8. Promoter reserves the right to charge delivery fees for any deliveries outside the UK Mainland. The Winner is responsible for any duties, levies, customs charges or similar charges that may accrue on any prizes required to be delivered outside the UK Mainland and for ensuring that any and all import licenses, consents and authorisations are in place.
  6. General

    1. Upon entering the Competition, all Entrants must submit all contact details requested by the Promoters (which must include a valid e-mail address) which will be used for the following purposes: (a) to notify the Winner that they have won the prize; (b) to post the Winner’s surname and County of residence on the Website; and (c) to comply with the Privacy Policy. (d) To post the draw numbers for everyone who has entered on our Website, only your order id will be posted and nothing else, this is to notify everyone of what numbers have been successfully entered for the live draw.
    2. If absolutely necessary, the promoter reserves the right to change the opening and closing dates of any competition. If this occurs, the new details will be displayed on the website.
    3. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel the Competition or change the opening and closing dates in exceptional circumstances. Examples of exceptional circumstances would include (but not be limited to) unexpected adverse weather rendering an experience or Track Day unsafe, unexpected damage to persons or property, the unexpected insolvency or failure of a supplier. If the Competition is cancelled, the Promoters will return the Entry Fee to each Entrant.
    4. The Promoter does not accept any responsibility and is not liable for pay any compensation if you are unable to or do not take up the prize.
    5. Privacy policy – The Entrants and the Promoters recognise that the Promoters may use contact details and other data including personal data as defined by the Data Protection Act 2018 supplied by the Entrants to the Promoters to administer the Website and conduct the Competition according to these Terms and Conditions. The Entrants and the Promoters also recognise that the Promoters may (either by choice or at the request of a third party) also disclose this information to relevant third parties for the purposes of the prevention of fraud, money laundering, legal or other financial or regulatory reasons.
    6. The Competition is operated by the Promoters.
    7. The Competition is open for entry to all persons aged 18 or over excluding the Promoters, their family, agents, employees, professional advisers or conductor administration of the Competition in any way, shape or form.
    8. Competitions are governed by English Law and any matters relating to the Competition will be resolved under English Law and the Courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction save that if you are resident in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland then you shall have the right to bring any claims under the Courts of those countries.
    9. In the event that you participate in a Competition online via the Website, and by accepting these terms and conditions you confirm that you are not breaching any laws in your country of residence regarding the legality of entering our Competitions. The Promoter will not be held responsible for any Entrant entering any of our Competitions unlawfully. If in any doubt you should immediately leave the Website and check with the relevant authorities in your country.
    10. By entering into the Competition, all Entrants acknowledge that their payment per entry does not guarantee in any way that they will win the prize.
    11. The Promoters do not in any way guarantee the value of the Prize.
    12. The Promoter does not imply or give any warranty or accept any valuation to the Prize or guarantee the roadworthiness in anyway shape or form. The Entrant must make up their own decision through their own enquiries and legal advice before entering the competition.
    13. As a condition of entering the competition, Entrants must ensure that, by doing so, they do not contravene any laws of their country of residence. The Promoter will not be liable in any way if an Entrant enters the competition unlawfully;
    14. By entering a competition, Entrants warrant that all information which they submit is accurate, true, current and complete. The Promoters reserve the right to disqualify any entrant (entirely at their own discretion) if there are reasonable grounds to believe the Entrant has acted in breach of any of these Terms and Conditions
    15. The maximum number of entries that can be made by any one entrant may be limited. The maximum number of entries per Entrant will be stated on the website. The number of entries you make may be limited if the maximum number of entries is reached.
    16. All Entries will become the property of the Promoters on receipt and will not be returned.
    17. The Promoters reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time and for any reason. Each entrant should retain a copy of these Terms and Conditions for their future reference.
    18. To include an entry into the Competition, an Entrant will be asked to provide their contact details (including postal and e-mail addresses and a telephone number) and card payment details (for entry fee only). Once the Entry is submitted, the Entrant’s card payment will be electronically approved.
  7. Limitation of Liability and Prize Operators

    1. Track day prizes are not provided by the Promoter but are instead provided by a third party operator who will have their own terms and conditions, restrictions and requirements [these will be set out via a link to such third party operator on the “Entry” page of the competition].
    2. Whilst the Promoter has taken reasonable steps to investigate the experience and expertise of its operators, the Promoter has no control over how track days are operated and therefore cannot be responsible for anything that takes place on a track day (including, but not limited to, the standards of the track or any vehicles (including your own) where relevant), the quality of briefings, monitoring or supervision, or defects on the track or any vehicles (including your own where relevant). On that basis the Promoter accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by the Winner, or any other party who attends the track day with them, whilst participating in the track day and by entering this competition you agree that the third party operator of the track day shall be solely responsible for the same.
    3. Due to the nature of track day prizes, track days may be postponed, cancelled or may require changes to the track day for reasons beyond either the Promoter’s or the third party operator’s reasonable control (for example due to adverse or inclement weather, failure of vehicles or equipment) and neither the Promoter nor the third party operator shall be liable for any losses suffered in respect of the same.
    4. The Promotor has not examined, and will not examine, any equipment, facilities or services at the track and the Winner must undertake a reasonable inspection (acknowledging that they may not be mechanically experienced) of any equipment or facilities which are provided to them and raise any concerns with the third party operator before participating in the track day.
    5. Insofar as it permitted by law, the Promoter, its agents or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate the Winner (or any third party) or accept any liability for loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking up the Prize except where it is caused by the negligence of the Promoter. Your statutory rights are not affected.
    6. To the extent that the Winner (or any third party) suffers any loss or damage other than personal injury or death, the Promoter’s liability for the same shall be limited to the price paid for the Entry.
    7. You acknowledge and accept that track day prizes may involve some degree of personal risk in the nature of the prize. You may be required to sign a disclaimer by the third party track operator and where you are so required you must read and understand such documents carefully and ensure that any private insurance policies which you have in place for the track day will adequately cover your activities, including checking this with the third party operator and/or your insurer. You must also comply with any and all safety instructions, briefings or procedures notified to you by the operator.
  8. Anti Money Laundering Policy

    1. On top of complying with all conditions as laid out by “The Gambling Act 2005” in relation to prize competitions, the Promoter has put in place measures to prevent its systems from being used for the purposes of money laundering, terrorist financing or any other criminal activity.
    2. Promoter is committed to preventing money laundering and combat the financing of terrorism in order to minimise and manage its reputational risk, legal risk and regulatory risk. It is also committed to its wider social responsibility in preventing crime by not allowing its systems to be used to commit crimes.
    3. In order to adhere to Anti Money Laundering regulations and requirements, Promoter shall:
      1. Appoint a designated Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO) whose responsibility it is to report possible acts of money laundering to the authorities.
      2. Take reasonable steps to establish the identity of any person for whom it is proposed to provide its service.
      3. Keep at all times a secure online list of all registered Entrants.
      4. Retain identification and transactional documentation for each Entrant.
      5. Provide initial and ongoing training to all relevant staff so that they are aware of their personal responsibilities and the procedures in respect of identifying Entrants, monitoring Entrant activity, record-keeping and reporting any unusual/suspicious transactions.
      6. Ensure that this policy is reviewed and maintained regularly.
      7. Examine, as much as is possible, the background and purpose of any complex or large transactions or groups of transactions which are likely, by their nature, to be related to money laundering or the funding of terrorism.
      8. Not accept or open anonymous Accounts or Accounts in fictitious names such that the true beneficial owner is not known.
      9. Not register a Entrant who is under eighteen (18) years of age.
      10. Only register a single account in the name of a particular person.
      11. Transfer payments of winnings or refunds back to the same route from where the funds originated, where possible.
      12. Not accept cash from Entrants. Funds may be received from Entrants only by any of the approved methods.
      13. Terminate a Entrant’s registration if it becomes aware that a person has provided false information when onboarding.
      14. Report any suspicion or knowledge of money laundering of terrorism financing to the authorities.
      15. Cooperate with all relevant administrative, enforcement and judicial authorities in their endeavour to prevent and detect criminal activity.